GUCL: Computational Linguistics @ Georgetown
We are a group of Georgetown University faculty, student, and staff researchers at the intersection of language and computation. Our areas of expertise include natural language processing, corpus linguistics, information retrieval, text mining, and more, with participation from both the Linguistics and Computer Science departments.
GU research groups: Corpling, NERT, IRLab, InfoSense, Singh lab
Other GU groups: GU-HLT Group, GU Women Coders, Massive Data Institute, Tech & Society Initiative
Related academic groups in the DC/Baltimore region: Howard NLP, JHU CLSP, UMD CLIP, George Mason NLP
- 10/24/24: Op-ed and brief in Supreme Court ghost gun case (Kevin Tobia, Nathan Schneider, Brandon Waldon)
- 9/15/23: [Job] The Linguistics department will be hiring an Assistant Professor of Computational Linguistics.
- 9/8/21: Congratulations to the Corpling lab on winning the DISRPT 2021 shared task on discourse processing!
- 8/27/20: First-Year Student Presented Paper at Prestigious Computational Linguistics Conference (Aryaman Arora)
- 9/10/18: #MeToo Movement on Twitter (Lisa Singh)
- 8/29/18: Cliches in baseball (Nathan Schneider)
- 1/20/18: The Coptic Scriptorium project (Amir Zeldes)
- Congratulations to Arman Cohan, Nazli Goharian, and Georgetown alum Andrew Yates for winning a Best Long Paper award at EMNLP 2017!
- Congratulations to Ophir Frieder, who has been named to the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA)!
- 9/19/16: "Email" Dominates What Americans Have Heard About Clinton (Lisa Singh)
- 7/12/16: Searching Harsh Environments (Ophir Frieder)
Mailing list: Contact Nathan Schneider to subscribe!
upcoming talks/events
- Linguistics Career Mixer, 3/19/25, 5:30 in Poulton Hall
- William Schuler (OSU): Linguistics, 3/21/25, 3:30 in Poulton 230
- Emily Pace: Linguistics Career Talk, 3/26/25, 3:30 in Poulton 230
- Sorelle Friedler (Haverford College): CS, 4/4/25, 11:00 in room TBA
- Ellie Pavlick (Brown): Linguistics, 4/4/25,
3:301:30 in Poulton 230 - Ziyu Yao (GMU): CS, 4/11/25, 11:30 in room TBA
- Ethan Wilcox (Georgetown): Cognitive Science, 4/25/25, 1:00 in Leavey Conference Center Salon B
- Previous talks
Departments & Programs
Georgetown offers opportunities to engage with different aspects of computational linguistics, organized under the following units:
Linguistics Dept.
Topics of expertise and research in the Linguistics Department include corpus linguistics & corpus annotation, digital humanities, natural language processing, and computational psycholinguistics.
Computer Science Dept.
In Computer Science, a featured area is Data-Centric Computing—encompassing natural language processing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, information retrieval, social media analysis, computer vision, and bio- and health informatics.
M.S. in Data Science and Analytics
The DSAN program offers training in cutting-edge data science technologies, including approaches to computing with and analyzing textual data.
Ph.D. Concentration in Interdisciplinary Cognitive Science
Doctoral students in participating departments, including Linguistics and Computer Science, may join the Cognitive Science concentration as a way to gain perspectives from multiple fields that study cognition.
Massive Data Institute
The Massive Data Institute supports student and faculty research connecting social science, computer science, and data science questions and approaches.